This generated Chlorine Dioxide solution has a high degree of purity and an excellent chemical stability.
Chlorine Dioxide has been known for decades as an effective disinfectant. It is produced by the reaction between sodium chlorite and sodium peroxodisulphate. This reaction takes place extremely slowly (several days). We have developed a method which reduces the reaction time between the two reactants to three hours.
Our precursors and the generated Chlorine Dioxide fulfil the required standard of purity of the relevant product norms. In contrast to other products, they contain no silver or copper salts. For this reason KYROZID® leads to less corrosion than chlorine dioxide produced by the hydrochloric acid - chlorite process.
Our Chlorine Dioxide solution has been assessed by several independent research institutes. According to the results of these studies, the Chlorine Dioxide solution produced by this method meets the requirements of DIN EN 12671.There are minimal changes to the pH value of the water treated.